Buying a Business

  • There are five important steps that are essential to completing a successful acquisition:
    1. Preliminary agreement with seller as to the template or methodology that will be used for business valuation.
    2. Preparation of a comprehensive letter of intent or memorandum of understanding outlining all aspects of deal structure.
    3. Successful completion of due diligence.
    4. Preparation and execution of all legal documents that are required to close the transaction.
    5. Respectful and timely communication activity with the seller throughout the transaction period.
  • The five most common mistakes that are made when buying a business:
    1. Advancing the buying process without a clear and complete understanding with the seller as to the business valuation template.
    2. Preparing a letter of intent with seller that does not clearly identify and resolve all the business issues that will be necessary for successful deal completion.
    3. Not obtaining sufficient and analyzing enough detailed information provided by the seller during the due diligence period.
    4. Allowing legal professionals to commence preparation of the necessary legal documentation prior to final agreement with seller as to the final valuation template and/or clear resolution of all business issues associated with the transaction.
    5. Buyer is perceived by the seller as not being “fair”.
  • If you have identified a potential acquisition or are currently in discussions with a seller, email Norman Seawright, CA at for a no cost introductory strategy meeting. We are not business brokers! We are expert consultants who work closely with our clients to ensure a successful process for their business acquisition.